Women’s Small Groups


ビジョン: 福音に根差した成長を求め、また互いに励まし合い、その歩みを通して神様の栄光をもたらすこと。(2ペテロ1:2-11, エペソ4:15-16, ヘブル3:12-13)

VISON: To seek spiritual growth rooted in the Gospel, to encourage each other to grow with one another, and to glorify God. (2 Peter 1:2-11, Ephesians 4:15-16, Hebrews 3:12-13)
・Learn and submit yourself to the Word of God.
・Actively participate in the group by supporting and serving each other. 
・Pray for one another. Continuously seek guidance and direction by the Holy Spirit through prayer.
・Rejoice that the gospel is spreading through disciples making disciples.

Please submit the form if you are interested in a small group or if you have any questions.